Flexibility in Job Hunting: Practical Guide for Unemployed Graduates

Graduating from college is a significant milestone, but for many, the excitement quickly gives way to the anxiety of job hunting. In today’s competitive job market, graduates have to be flexible and adaptable in job hunting. This article will guide you through strategies to stay flexible and increase your chances of landing a job.

1. Embracing a Growth Mindset

The cornerstone of a growth mindset lies in the belief that perseverance and dedication can cultivate skills and intelligence. Here’s how you can nurture this mindset:

  • Stay Optimistic: Reframe job hunting rejections as stepping stones for growth.
  • Lifelong Learning: Engage in additional online courses or workshops to enhance your expertise.
  • Setting Objectives: Break down your job search into bite-sized tasks and establish realistic goals. Don’t expect a win in one go. You may have to be patient and acknowledge that the job market is beyond your control.

2. Expanding Your Job Search Horizons

Narrowing your job search to a specific niche or industry may limit your chances of securing employment. Consider these approaches:

  • Venture Into Diverse Fields: By doing this, your skill set might transcend industry boundaries.
  • Apply for a Variety of Positions: Be open to roles that may not precisely match your qualifications.
  • Embrace Remote Work: The surge in remote opportunities can broaden your job search beyond physical confines. ( See this Link for websites where you can apply for remote jobs)

3. Active Networking

Networking can be a game-changer in your quest for employment. Here’s how to go about it:

  • Join Professional Networks: Engage in industry-specific groups on platforms like LinkedIn.
  • Attend Networking Events: Contribute to job fairs, webinars, and other networking occasions. Who knows, your future employer may just be the person sitting next to you.
  • Reach Out: Connect with alumni, professors, or professionals in your desired field.

4. Elevating Your Resume and Online Presence

Your resume and digital profiles serve as the initial touchpoints for potential employers. Make them impactful:

  • Customize Your Resume: Your resume is not a document cast in stone. Tailor each application to emphasize relevant skills. related to the job you are applying for at that moment. Leave out irrelevant things, thus helping the recruiter focus on what matters.
  • Update Your LinkedIn Profile: Keep it current and reflect your capabilities and experience.
  • Showcase Your Projects: Highlight projects, internships, or volunteer work that showcase your competencies.

5. Exploring Temporary or Part-Time Roles

Temporary or part-time positions can pave the way to full-time employment:

  • Gain Exposure: Short-term roles can provide invaluable learning experiences and networking opportunities.
  • Maintain Engagement: Part-time work can keep you actively involved and prevent resume gaps.
  • Explore Internships: Internships are often bridges to permanent positions. Do not undermine them. There are many success stories coming from people who started as interns.

6. Developing and Enhancing Soft Skills

Beyond technical prowess, employers value soft skills. Focus on nurturing:

  • Communication: Proficient verbal and written communication skills are paramount.
  • Problem-Solving: Showcase your ability to tackle challenges creatively.
  • Adaptability: Demonstrate your capacity to thrive in diverse settings and circumstances.

7. Enlisting Professional Support

Sometimes, a guiding hand can steer you in the right direction in your job hunt:

  • Career Coaches: Consider engaging a career coach to navigate your job search.
  • Mentors: Seek out mentors in your preferred field for guidance and assistance.
  • Workshops and Seminars: Attend career-related workshops to hone your job-hunting strategies.

In Conclusion

As a recent graduate hunting for a job, flexibility is your passport to success. By embracing various opportunities, continuously honing your skills, and leveraging your network, you can navigate the job market with more agility. Remember, every forward stride you take, brings you closer to your destination.

How Remote Working Can Benefit Your Business

remote worker


If you have been working remotely since the beginning of lockdown and wondering whether there has been any benefit to your business from the separation, here are a few reasons why you should consider it for a while longer.


Remember when you used to run from one meeting to another, spending hours in traffic every day getting to and from the office daily? Working remotely has freed up that wasted travel time, and you have more likely been able to get an earlier start and a decent finish to your day.

Better Concentration Environment

If you work in an open-plan office,  you may sometimes find it difficult to focus on one task at a time. You may be interrupted by colleagues or their calls, external distractions, and impromptu meetings can have a knack for breaking one’s momentum. By working from home, you may have been able to set your online channels to “away”, put your head down, and concentrate a little longer.

Healthier Eating Habits

It is so easy to grab a burger or junk food whilst running between meetings and deadlines. You may have been able to plan your meals a little better whilst working from home, in that a good home-cooked breakfast or lunch has been substituted for on-the-go calories.

You get down to business

Have you found that meetings that usually ran well over the allotted time are now done far quicker? The chit-chat and interruptions seem to be far less when everyone is meeting via video conferencing. And those meetings that could have been emailed, are actually becoming emails.

In conclusion, if your business has not yet considered it, it’s not too late to look into remote working. There are tools you can put in place even for your office calls to be routed to a receptionist sitting at home and in return be routed to the relevant staff members as if they are in the office. Thoromo Investment has such solutions. You can contact us at 010 534 6002/8472

Digital Nomads- A career option to look into in 2020

digital nomad working from home

digital nomad working from the beach

Digital Nomads- Who are they?


Have you ever dreamed of working anywhere anytime, while you enjoy traveling? Are you tired of being stuck in the office from 9-5? Join the trend of mobile workers, Digital Nomads! This offers opportunities to work flexible hours, freedom from filling leave forms if you want to travel or take care of family matters. Anyone can do it, from a student who wants to take a sabbatical to a mom who wants to spend time with his kids at home while earning an income.

All you need is a skill and reliable internet connection to offer your services to individuals or organizations. Guess what? South Africa has been named as one of the countries ripe to take advantage of this on-demand service. Many companies are ready and are presently outsourcing their non-core services and you are there to pick and choose whatever suits you.

In as much as this may sound exciting for an adventure seeker, things like living expenses, weather, network coverage, and culture need to be taken into account. if it’s working from home, is there a way of controlling distractions, etc?

What Can You Do?

Many digital nomads work as freelancers and remote workers. it can be web digital nomad working from homedevelopers, app developers, graphic designers, accountants, engineering consultants.  There is a growing demand for online language tutors, translators. Many working parents may not have the skills to assist their children with homework. Why not offer to remotely work with their kids doing their school project and the like?

Don’t have a skill that can enable you to do work online? There are amazing courses in Udemy which can teach you valuable tech skills that don’t require you to step foot into an office. You can sign up for one of their developer courses to broaden your skillset and I fully believe tech is one of the best and most profitable industries for online work. See how many are doing it successfully in this video about Digital Nomads.

Don’t expect overnight success as a digital nomad. Take time to research on the demand for the kind of service you want to offer. Your references and work can make or break you. Build your client base from nearby contacts, some while you’re still working fulltime and in social circles. Build a strong relevant network and expand it.  Make use of social media to get leads and referrals.

It can never be overemphasized how important to have a reliable high-speed internet connection. We have seen upward trends in affordable LTE-A and 5G service in South Africa,  where you can get 20Gb LTE from as little as R250, with service providers like Galactic Hosting. Depending on the work you do, you may need a bigger package. It is important though to check network coverage before you decide to be locked in a reserve in Pilanesberg for example, or in Malelane, only to find that there’s no coverage! Also very important to have is buffer money. There will be months when you don’t earn much. Will you be able to pay rent, your day to day expenses and traveling? At least put aside 3 months’ earnings for such rainy days.


Yes, becoming a nomad can be richly rewarding. You can explore and see places you have always dreamed of while earning an income. make 2020, you pioneering year to being a Digital Nomad!